RAFA appoints new President

Posted on 26 July, 2017 by Advance 

The Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA) today announced the appointment of Air Marshal Sir Baz North as its new President, replacing Air Marshal Sir Dusty Miller. In his new role, Sir Baz (right) will join the charity’s board of trustees and play a key role in ensuring the  Association continues to provide support to the RAF family.
Sir Baz joins the RAF Association team following a distinguished career of 35 years with the Royal Air Force. In 2006, he commanded No 83 Expeditionary Air Group in the Middle East before returning to the Ministry of Defence as its Director of Air Resources and Plans. He was subsequently appointed Air Officer Commanding No 22 (Training) Group. 
Following a tour as the Assistant Chief of the Air Staff in the Ministry of Defence, he was promoted to Air Marshal in 2013 and appointed the RAF's Deputy Commander Capability and Air Member for Personnel and Capability. He was appointed KCB in the New Year's Honours list 2015 and retired from the RAF in 2016.
Sir Baz, who has been a member of the RAF Association since 2003, said: “The face-to-face support and welfare services that the Association provides for so many members of the RAF family across the world is invaluable; as a former RAF serviceman myself I am delighted to be given the opportunity to give something back to those who have served our country so professionally while proudly wearing the RAF’s uniform.”
“Our’s is a thriving Association with a membership that has grown by over 20,000 in the last three years while experiencing a 46% increase in demand for our welfare support in the same period.  There is a great deal to do to meet this need, against a background of increasing pressure on the social care system, an aging population and a high operational tempo for serving RAF personnel.
“I am extremely honoured to be asked to serve as the President of the Association and l look forward to working with the executive team and my fellow trustees to guide the organisation through the regulatory changes that the charity sector will face over the next few years. I trust that together we will continue Sir Dusty’s legacy and energetic support of members of the RAF family across the country.”
Air Vice-Marshal John Cliffe, RAF Association Chair of Trustees, said: “On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am delighted to welcome Sir Baz as the RAF Association’s new President. His experience as a senior RAF commander, including being Air Member for Personnel, brings a huge amount of knowledge and insight that will help guide the Association in providing the best support possible to the RAF family. I look forward to working closely with Sir Baz as we continue to grow the organisation, and meet the many challenges facing the charity sector. 
“I would also like to take the opportunity to publicly thank our out-going President, Sir Dusty Miller, whose inspirational leadership and dedication had a hugely positive impact on the Association.”