RAeS launches passenger safety video

Posted on 19 July, 2021 by Advance 

As international travel takes off again, the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) has today launched a video to remind travellers of some key points to bear in mind in the unlikely event of an accident or emergency onboard an aircraft. This comes on the day that many Covid-related legal restrictions are lifted and crucially on the day when returning double-vaccinated UK travellers from 'Amber List' countries can avoid quarantine: which the RAeS see as a key event in the restart and recovery of UK aviation.
The video, which is intended for a public audience, will run on social media and includes reminders of some key points to keep passengers safe including:
•    Pay attention to the safety briefing
•    Read the safety card
•    Know where the exits are and how to open them
•    Follow crew instructions: they are there for your safety
•    Leave your bags
•    Leave as quickly as you can
•    Don’t stop to take photos
This video is the follow-up to an in-depth report published by the Royal Aeronautical Society’s Flight Operations Group on ‘The emergency evacuation of commercial passenger aeroplanes’. The report analysed data from accidents and incidents and highlighted the need to reinforce some key points with the public in order to protect and enhance flight safety.
Sir Brian Burridge FRAeS, Chief Executive of the Royal Aeronautical Society, said: “I hope today represents the beginning of the end of the lengthy downturn we’ve seen in air travel which has been very damaging to the aviation sector as a whole. Quite understandably, many people are desperate to get away on holiday, visit loved ones, or take a long-delayed business trip.
“But everyone stepping onto an aeroplane should remember some simple but vitally important points, which could quite literally be a matter of surviving unharmed in the event of an emergency onboard.
“I urge all air passengers jetting away in the next few weeks to spend just a couple of minutes watching this short video and to bear its few key messages in mind.”