RAeS backs RAEng's #EngineeringZero campaign

Posted on 25 June, 2021 by Advance 

The Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) has given its support to today’s launch of the #EngineeringZero campaign by the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), which seeks to bring all engineering disciplines together to advance our collective effort towards net zero.


Sir Brian Burridge FRAeS, Chief Executive, Royal Aeronautical Society.
Courtesy RAeS

The RAeS recognises the imperative for aviation and aerospace to drastically reduce their contribution to climate change despite the complexity and difficulty inherent in decarbonising this sector. Aerospace engineering will have a huge part to play in that effort.

Sir Brian Burridge FRAeS, Chief Executive of the Royal Aeronautical Society, said: “Climate change and sustainability are firmly at the core of our focus as a Society, as a professional engineering institution and as an industry. This is not lip service; we are committed to this agenda.

“Industry is already doing a huge amount to jumpstart innovation and investment in such areas as sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and aircraft routing efficiencies.”

The RAeS is leading debate and discussion on topics such as non-CO2 impacts, which are responsible for around two-thirds of aviation’s climate impact, and how they could be mitigated.

We have begun to reimagine the future of civil aviation post-Covid and how it can be built back better, be more resilient and be more sustainable. And today we have published a blog post from one of our student members on designing electic seaplanes for zero-carbon tourism in the Maldives as part of her final year Aeronautical Engineering masters degree.

In recent months the RAeS and our branches have also held webinars, lectures, events and conferences on topics such as:
Solving Aviation’s Sustainability Problem starting in 2023
Electric and Electric/Hybrid Commercial Aircraft: A practical approach
Hydrogen in aviation is becoming a reality
Aircraft Electrification

Sir Brian Burridge continued: “As part of #EngineeringZero we will work with colleagues in other engineering disciplines in the run-up to COP26 and beyond on this exciting and vital agenda. We must embrace our collective expertise and ensure that everyone has the capacity to deliver on our Society’s net zero commitments.”