Radio Equipment Directive now UK law

Posted on 6 February, 2018 by Advance 

The ‘Radio Equipment Regulations 2017’ came into force at the end of last year, thereby making the EU Radio Equipment Directive (2014/53/EU) part of UK law.
Courtesy RN Electronics

The Radio Equipment Directive (RED) has been in force since July 2016, however it had a one year transitional period alongside the previous Radio and Terminal Telecommunications (R&TTE) Directive 1999/5/EC. Following a consultation the UK government finally introduced the Radio Equipment Regulations on 26 December 2017.

Now that date has passed, any electronic product that contains a radio device, when put onto the UK market, must meet the Radio Equipment Directive.

Brentwood based independent UKAS accredited test laboratory (No.2360), RN Electronics, has pointed out that if your company manufactures or supplies electronic devices containing Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or other wireless communication within the EU, you should ensure that the products are compliant with the Radio Equipment Directive.

The Radio Equipment Regulations 2017 require the equipment to ensure “efficient use of the radio spectrum”, “adequate level of electromagnetic compatibility” (EMC) and “protection of health and safety”. This responsibility falls on all “economic operators” including; manufacturers, importers and distributors.

RN Electronics have been assessed by UKAS against the LAB39 guidance document and awarded Flexible Scope status. The Flexible Scope applies to RN Electronics’ ISO 17025 accreditation for EMC and Radio standards.