Prince's Trust and Boeing offer young unemployed new opportunities in advanced manufacturing

Posted on 18 March, 2016 by Advance 


Get Started With Product Design IMG_1502: Participant on last year’s programme take part in a workshop.

The five-day programme is a personal and social development training programme, focussed on manufacturing, targeted to 16-25 year olds who are not in education, training or employment.

Made possible by Boeing’s corporate citizenship programme, it combines the best of the AMRC Training Centre’s existing, advanced manufacturing training and facilities, with the mentoring and life-skills support offered by The Prince’s Trust; to give young people a helping hand to embark on a rewarding career in manufacturing.

Eamon Myers (right), a 22 year old from Sheffield was one of the first participants to benefit from the programme, leading to him securing a new job as an AMRC Training Centre apprentice; sponsored by Riverside ECS in Sheffield.

After studying for his A Levels Eamon left school at 18 years old, but struggled to find a job that was right for him; affecting his confidence when applying and interviewing for jobs.

After a family member recommended he get in touch with The Prince’s Trust and he secured a place on the pilot programme: “I was very excited before embarking on the programme last July, I had heard about the AMRCs world-class facilities and the way they had helped other young people to get apprenticeships.”

Eamon enjoyed the positive environment at the AMRC and was impressed with how knowledgeable and approachable the AMRC staff were. During his time at the AMRC, he also met a Boeing representative who had started as an apprentice and had worked their way up to a senior role. This meeting was hugely inspirational to Eamon:
“The programme gave me the confidence to succeed in interviews and helped me secure a three year-long apprenticeship run by Riverside ECS, in partnership with AMRC Training Centre.” Riverside ECS is a local business which supplies electrical control solutions for industry.

Now well into his first year as an AMRC Apprentice, Eamon feels his confidence has increased significantly: “I am extremely proud of what I have achieved and would definitely encourage any young person who is unemployed to get in touch with The Prince’s Trust. I feel immensely positive about the future now.”

Following the success of last year’s programme, Get Started with Product Design will run twice in 2016 (April and July) at the AMRC Training Centre in Rotherham. It will support a total of 24 young people to help them develop professional skills in the area of advanced manufacturing.

Richard Chadwick, Director of Programmes and Development at The Prince’s Trust said: “We are delighted to be collaborating with Boeing and the AMRC Training Centre to inspire young people to consider career paths in manufacturing, engineering and technology.

“Get Started with Product Design gives young people who have previously faced barriers to education or work a rare chance to take on an engineering challenge with industry experts, and build their aspirations for the future.”

Kerry Featherstone, AMRC Training Centre Operations Manager, said: “We are happy to be supporting The Prince’s Trust Get Started with Product Design programme again this year. We feel the programme helps open up valuable opportunities for young people who may not have considered an apprenticeship as a route into an exciting career in engineering, and we are looking forward to welcoming this year’s participants to the AMRC Training Centre.”

The AMRC Training Centre will hold two ‘taster’ days for anyone interested in participating in the programme from 1-4pm on Tuesday 19 April and Tuesday 12 July.

To enquire about joining the next Get Started with Product Design course, call 07436797318. To be eligible for a place you must not be in full time work, education or training.