Police Scotland support Cyber Resilience plan

Posted on 13 November, 2017 by Advance 

Police Scotland is supporting the national Public Sector Action Plan on Cyber Resilience.

As a Cyber Catalyst, the service is working closely with the Scottish Government, the National Cyber Resilience Leaders Board and other key partners to implement the action plan within the organisation.

Police Scotland is also committed to prioritising work to ensure systems of incident response are in place to allow Scottish public bodies to respond quickly and effectively to cyber-attacks.

Assistant Chief Constable Steve Johnson said: "We are delighted to be participating in the Public Sector Cyber Catalyst scheme. In doing so, we are committing to sharing knowledge and learning with the wider public sector as we work towards higher standards of cyber resilience over time.

“Cyber Resilience is vital to public trust in our digital public services, and addressing the cyber threat is one of our organisation’s key priorities.”