Pinkerton appoints Rory Lamrock as UK Director

Posted on 4 September, 2018 by Advance 

Global risk management specialist Pinkerton has appointed a new UK Director to head up its London based centres of operations in Russell Square and Uxbridge.

Rory Lamrock (above), a law graduate with a Master’s degree in International Security, comes to the role with over a decade of experience in global security, intelligence and political risk consulting.

Pinkerton is a global provider of corporate risk management solutions combating non-insurable risk, including security consulting, investigations, executive protection, employment screening and protective intelligence. Its London office has expertise in all business sectors and its team of security professionals specialises in quick due diligence, forensic accounting & fraud investigation, IP protection, background screenings and corporate investigations - amongst many other services.

Rory Lamrock offers additional niche skills in intelligence, risk assessment and security consulting, honed in various positions including UN and EU criminal justice and maritime security projects in East Africa. More recently, Rory undertook a role as analyst and operations director focusing on high risk projects, and he has also advised corporate and private clients on complex risk mitigation strategies.

Companies looking to manage security and political risks in emerging markets or challenging environments will benefit in particular from Rory’s skill set. He explained: “Pinkerton is without doubt a global leader in risk management and, with my qualifications and background, UK director was the ideal next career move for me. I thrive on using technology to solve problems and the intelligence and other resources available at Pinkerton will certainly enable my team and me to give UK organisations in all sectors the most informed advice on which they can base hugely important decisions about their security and ongoing risk management strategies.”