Peli Products and Zero 2 Infinity sign partnership agreement

Posted on 7 September, 2017 by Advance 

Peli Products and Zero 2 Infinity (which elevates payloads to Space), have reached a Partnership agreement.

Both companies support innovation, quality and new technologies, having a shared vision from which both companies hope will benefit each others business strengths.

The partnership, which was signed in Barcelona, allows Zero 2 Infinity to use Peli’s extremely resistant products in all the remote locations they need to go every time they need to launch some devices to the Space.

Zero 2 Infinity’s Engineering team, is extremely confident working with Peli to ensure their sensitive equipment and components will be safe no matter what the circumstances they need to face.

In exchange, Zero 2 Infinity has offered its Elevation services to Peli by taking the new Peli Air Case 1485 model to the Edge of Space, helping Peli to reach places their products had never been before.

Zero 2 Infinity, a private company headquartered in Barcelona, Spain, with subsidiaries around the World, is radically simplifying access to Space. It is the only company in Europe specialised in the elevation to the Edge of Space of components that require testing and certifying in Space conditions.

At the moment, it is working on sending small satellites into orbit through its project Bloostar and has mid-term plans to send people to Near Space for science and leisure (project Bloon).

Peli Products has been protecting equipment for scientists, emergency services and travellers in the most extreme conditions on Earth for over 40 years. It has a wide range of cases that offer crush resistance, watertight protection and surpass all military tests requirements.