Peli launches its 2016 Photo Contest

Posted on 10 June, 2016 by Advance 

Peli Products has announced its annual International Photo Contest for professional and amateur photographers.
This year, Peli wants to celebrate the introduction of its new Peli Air cases and to help as many talented photography lovers as possible, it is giving away 10 Peli Air Cases (above).

This year, the audience will be the jury. Facebook users will be able to vote for their favourite picture on Peli Facebook Contest page

The 10 most voted photos will be proclaimed winners of the Peli Photo Contest 2016.

Share your proposed pictures so your friends and relatives can vote for them so you have more chances to win your Peli Air Case.

The photo entries are allowed from the 1st of July till the 31st of August 2016.

Those that upload their pictures as fast as possible, are more likely to collect more likes for their pictures.


First place in 2015, by Živa Vrbič.

The prize-winners will be announced on the 5th of September 2016.