NTT Application Security releases Vantage Prevent

Posted on 12 January, 2022 by Advance 

The Application Security Division of NTT Ltd., has introduced the next phase of The WhiteHat Vantage Platform, Vantage Prevent, a patented and revolutionary solution that enables enterprises to conduct dynamic application security testing (DAST) at each phase of the development cycle and prevent exploitable vulnerabilities from reaching production.

Image courtesy NTT Application Security

Purpose-built for the needs of modern development, Vantage Prevent leverages developers' functional and quality assurance tests to identify exploitable security risks in their web applications and APIs. Vantage Prevent also allows DevOps engineers to automate security testing in CI/CD pipelines within their native environment, while security teams can assess vulnerabilities reported within minutes of discovery before they are deployed into production.

"In bringing Vantage Prevent to market, we realised that the biggest issue that has put so many organisations in a reactive state when it comes to application security is that the industry's traditional solutions are designed specifically for application security teams," said Chris Leffel (above), chief product officer at NTT Application Security. "Vantage Prevent brings DAST to the developer-level and encourages enterprises to embed dynamic application security into the overall quality testing process."

Vantage Prevent's patented technology is poised to reignite DevSecOps in modern development and bring a united approach to application security through key features and functionalities that include:  

Dynamic testing completed in minutes — not days — throughout the SDLC

Developer-directed DAST that seamlessly integrates dynamic scans with functional and quality assurance testing

Native API testing with no API specification documents required

Language and interface agnostic — perform tests against any APIs, single page and multi-page web applications regardless of language

Quickly test incrementally or scan an entire application in local developer environments

Vantage Prevent is the second solution in The WhiteHat Vantage Platform portfolio, which is built on top of a cloud-based SaaS architecture and features a robust public API that seamlessly integrates with teams' existing tools to streamline workflows and application security. The final phase of The WhiteHat Vantage Platform launch, which will be announced later in Q1 2022, adapts traditional DAST by simulating production-safe attacks against applications to identify exploitable vulnerabilities in pre-and post-production environments, providing security teams with actionable guidance to quickly safeguard against breaches.