Simulation, training and consultancy specialist NSC is to stretch its unbroken service to the UK Defence Academys Joint Services Command and Staff College (JSCSC) beyond the 21-year mark.
Courtesy Defence Academy / MoD
A contract extension will see the Surrey-based company continue to support future commanders and staff officers from all three UK Armed Services, having done so since the College’s doors first opened in 1998.
The enduring partnership will provide military directing staff with access to NSC’s internationally-deployed exercise support services and operational analysis, wargaming and simulation technology expertise.
In addition to supporting the design and delivery of theatre-level education serials for the Advanced Command and Staff Course, the extended agreement will benefit those on the Shrivenham College’s Higher Command and Staff Course.
Wg Cdr Chris Hunter, SO1 Campaigning Higher Command and Staff Course, described the quality of support provided by NSC as “impressive”. He said: “Having undergone transformation in what and how we exercise, including real-world and scenario-based exercises, we have found NSC to be very flexible in their design approach.
“Moreover, during the delivery stage their team of specialists blends seamlessly with other supporting groups, both military and civilian expertise. This has two key advantages for us: it significantly reduces the workload on the exercise lead/director and also reduces the time spent setting up each exercise, which is time better spent on teaching the students.”
NSC Chief Executive Jeremy Spurr said: “We are delighted to have the opportunity to help the Defence Academy meet evolving training objectives and to maintain its reputation for delivering first-class decision-making exercises based on operations within complex land, air and maritime environments.
“Over the past two decades we have developed a strong corporate knowledge of the Armed Forces and what they do and we look forward to continuing a relationship based on a high-level of trust and mutual respect.”