Northern Ireland gets £4m air route development fund

Posted on 29 March, 2016 by Advance 

Speaking at Belfast International Airport the Enterprise, Trade and Investment Minister said: “Air connectivity is an important driver for economic growth in Northern Ireland. In following through on my commitment to come forward with a package to support enhanced air connectivity, I am delighted to announce up to £4 million of additional support available over a three year period.

“This funding will be provided through enhanced co-operative marketing and will be specifically for the development of unserved routes with a high potential for inbound tourism and business.

"Northern Ireland’s air passenger numbers are growing which is excellent news for the industry. From an economic development perspective I want to ensure we maximise the business opportunities through connectivity to strategic destinations and ensure we can attract visitors into Northern Ireland to experience our world class tourist offering.

"I believe Northern Ireland would benefit economically from greater connectivity to a range of un-served short haul destinations within Europe, as well as greater long haul connectivity to Canada and the Middle East.

“Officials in my department are working with Invest Northern Ireland and Tourism Ireland on the detailed process for airlines to make proposals for additional support and this will be confirmed to them in the near future.”

Belfast International Airport has said that the announcement of a new £4 Million fund to support Air Route development in Northern Ireland over a three year period is a step in the right direction and a basis upon which to build.

Belfast International Airport Managing Director, Graham Keddie, said: "While we welcome the introduction of this new initiative, the removal of UK Air Passenger Duty on flights departing from Northern Ireland remains the real and fundamental key to unlocking significant growth in direct air access.

"Only by providing tourists from mainland Europe with direct, sustainable access to Northern Ireland will we see any appreciable benefit in economic terms, through spend in our hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions.

"We look forward to reviewing the detail of the scheme and to working with DETI, Invest NI and our airlines to fully exploit this opportunity."