Northern Ireland companies receive SC21 awards

Posted on 9 September, 2016 by Advance 

Three Northern Ireland companies celebrated SC21 success at a presentation by their sponsoring prime B/E Aerospace.

David Quin, Supply Chain Director and Ann Barnett, Purchasing Manager from B/E Aerospace presented the awards to Bradfor Ltd (above), IPC Mouldings and Doran Engineering.

Following the awards presentation at Farnborough this was a homecoming celebration at B/E Aerospace facilities in Kilkeel.

Bradfor Ltd in Rostrevor and IPC Mouldings in Carrickfergus (above) received Silver Awards recognising their achievement in the SC21 Supply Chain excellence programme.

Doran Engineering in Newcastle (above) received SC21 Bronze awards.

SC21 is a supplier development programme designed to accelerate the competitiveness of the aerospace and defence industry by raising the performance of its supply chains. In Northern Ireland the programme is supported by Invest Northern Ireland.

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