New EMC Regulations come into force

Posted on 30 November, 2016 by Advance 

The revised EU Directive on Electromagnetic Compatibility (2014/30/EU), which came into force on 20th April 2016 and requires all electronic products to have a successful conformity assessment before being placed on the European market, has been brought into UK law, effective 8th December 2016. RN Electronics has sought support from the EMC Test Labs Association and our local MP in seeing this Directive being brought into UK law. It has now been confirmed that this will be the case from 8th December 2016.

When our local Member of Parliament took up our offer to visit our EMC test laboratory to discuss the implications of Brexit on the UK electronics industry back in July, we were unsure just how Sir Eric Pickles MP (above, centre) would be able to help.

Sue Ray retiring Managing Director of RN Electronics, said: “I took  the  opportunity  to  ask  for his support  in finding out the impact of Brexit, and for his help in getting the Government to speed up the introduction of the EMC Directive  and  Radio  Equipment  Directive  (RED) in  to  UK law.”

We were delighted to receive a response from the Minister  for  Exiting  the  European  Union, David Jones  MP,  who  wrote  to  us  stating: “The Government  has  been  considering  the  most effective and proportionate way to transpose the EMC  and  RED  Directives.  This work, led by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), is now expecting to transpose the Directives before the end of the year.”

Immediately following his letter, Statutory Instrument number 1091 for Electromagnetic Compatibility was laid before Parliament and only three weeks later, on 8th December 2016, becomes UK law as the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016. These regulations transpose Directive 2014/30/EU of  the  European  Parliament  and  repeals  and  replaces  Directive  2004/108/EC  relating  to Electromagnetic  Compatibility. RN  Electronics  can  offer  EMC  testing  in  accordance  with  the  new Regulations to support CE Marking of customer products.