Whilst UK aerospace is still tackling the challenges created by COVID-19 and the subsequent restrictions, the National Aerospace Technology Exploitation Programme (NATEP) and Supply Chains for the 21st Century (SC21) are offering funding to companies in the aerospace sector, encouraging applications from businesses that fulfil their criteria.
Courtesy ADS
NATEP have just announced their next call for project proposals with a deadline for outline submissions of 31st May 2020.
NATEP is aimed at small and medium sized suppliers to help them develop their own innovative technologies. The goal is for the beneficiaries of the programme to enhance their capabilities and increase their own ability to win new business with higher tier companies across the world.
The next call for project proposals opened on 6th April 2020 and the deadline for outline submissions is 31 May 2020. You can apply through the NATEP website: www.natep.org.uk
Harriet Wollerton, NATEP Programme Director commented: "NATEP is a success and represents a tremendous opportunity, particularly for small and medium sized companies. The programme, running since 2013, has shown that it is sized and arranged to suit the needs of small supply chain companies and projects.
"The mentoring and support provided by NATEP helps the planning and execution of the projects and has produced many exciting and innovative products, materials and manufacturing processes that will help anchor manufacturing and high value jobs in the UK, improve productivity and competitiveness in the sector and create export opportunities. The new funding from the Aerospace Technology Institute will take the programme to 2023 and can be further built upon."
SC21 Competitiveness and Growth (C&G)
SC21 C&G is actively seeking more expressions of interest (EOI) for the BEIS funded £10m grant aid scheme to improve your business. The programme is the intermediate step on the ladder of aerospace and defence supply chain improvement programmes. It is specifically designed to focus on increasing competitiveness and improving organisational capability.
It is envisaged that over 70 participating companies will engage with the programme over the three years that it will run for. So far, it has awarded over £700k to five beneficiaries.
To find out if your business is eligible, please visit the SC21 website: www.sc21.org.uk
You can submit your EOI through the same webpage.
ADS is working with Government to ensure UK aerospace supply chains have the protection and support they need to get them through the COVID-19 global pandemic and will continue to support the sector towards post-pandemic recovery and growth.