Moray firm scoops research and innovation award

Posted on 16 September, 2016 by Advance 

Moray firm, Copernicus Technology, has won the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) award for excellence in research and innovation in this year's SCDI Business Excellence Awards.

(left to right) Tim Vine, Giles Huby – MD of Copernicus and the Rt Hon David Mundell MP - Secretary of State for Scotland.

Having been going for just eight years Copernicus Technology has built up a wealth of expertise providing products and services which reduce equipment downtime for aerospace, defence, and transport customers.

Their data analysis tools paved the way to apply their intermittent fault detection tester – the Ncompass-Voyager. The tester has significantly reduced the time taken for avionics repairs and their data analysis identifies problems early which improves the prioritisation of solutions. The tester is now being used successfully for the Spanish Eurofighter, US Blackhawk helicopters, and the RAF’s Chinook and Hercules fleets.

Commenting on their success Copernicus Technology’s Managing Director, Giles Huby said: “As a small company we’ve worked hard to develop better analytics of maintenance data and develop the Ncompass-Voyager testing products and services so that together these technologies reduce our client’s costs and equipment downtime enormously.

“Our expertise across a range of sectors has allowed us to create solutions that are innovative, cost effective and trusted by the growing list of applications that now benefit from it.

“I’m delighted that our work is receiving this recognition and I’m grateful for the hard work and energy that all of our team - almost all of whom are ex-RAF engineers and aircrew - have put in to achieving our current success and positioning us for further growth.”

Karen Peasnall, of HIE’s business growth team in Moray, added: “The Highlands and Islands region is home to some outstanding businesses that are leaders in their fields. Copernicus Technology is showing what can be done through the development of solutions that are not only helping them grow but improving the competitiveness and reducing costs for their clients.

“It’s great to see a relatively new company applying innovation in this way and I am delighted at their success in the awards.”