MoD replacing Niteworks partnership

Posted on 20 August, 2018 by Advance 

The Niteworks initiative which was established by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to provide a commercially neutral environment in which to address complex Defence challenges through a partnership between MoD, industry and academia, is being replaced.

On 2 August 2018, a Niteworks Replacement Draft Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) was issued to companies who expressed an interest in bidding for the Niteworks Replacement Contract. It is expected that the Final Invitation to Negotiate will be issued early-September 2018.

Organisations interested in joining the Niteworks Membership are invited to register their interest at
noting that signing up to the membership will commence between ITN release and contract award.

Niteworks 3 contract ends

The Niteworks 3 contract ceased in accordance with the original contract timetable on 31 March 2018. As a consequence MoD will no longer be processing any new applications for the Niteworks 3 partnership.

The MoD remains fully committed to the benefits of the Niteworks partnership and the pan-industry approach. The requirement for a Niteworks (Replacement) has been endorsed by the Front Line Commands and Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) is working to deliver a successor core service as soon as possible, although this will be later in the financial year.

The Niteworks (Replacement) project was notified in the Defence Bulletin Contract Notice in November 2017, along with an industry briefing day on 25 January 2018. The MoD will be maintaining on-going engagement across the Niteworks partnership until the Niteworks (Replacement) project is in place.

Should you wish to express an interest in joining the partnership at any subsequent opportunity please contact