MoD e-procurement system launched

Posted on 5 December, 2016 by Advance 

The new single online electronic procurement system for the Ministry of Defence is being launched today.

The Cabinet Office has issued the directive that all trade should be electronically conducted by 2017 therefore, all suppliers should comply to continue or to start doing business with the Ministry of Defence (MoD).

Suppliers will continue to use Exostar to trade electronically with the MoD.

The MoD will be communicating via the GOV.UK web site which will be updated with any new information as the Contracting, Purchasing & Finance (CP&F) system is developed. We will work with suppliers to ensure that any disruption to business operations is kept to an absolute minimum.

Announcements and updates will continue as is i.e. via publications such as Defence Contracts Online and Sell to the MoD (formally 'Selling to the MoD’). Notices will also be placed on remittance notes and as a banner message on Exostar.

Commercial Officers and / or Contract Owners will also play a part in communicating with suppliers.

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