MoD DIPR expands the role of Ploughshare

Posted on 13 July, 2017 by Advance 

The Ministry of Defence's Intellectual Property Rights group (DIPR) has signed an agreement with Ploughshare Innovations, expanding Ploughshare's role to provide technology transfer services across the wider MoD.

Ploughshare is the UK's leading defence technology transfer company with responsibility for the technology transfer of early stage research and Intellectual Property (IP) from the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl).

This new agreement enables Ploughshare to have access to inventions from other MoD areas such as the all-staff MoD idea scheme – GEMS, niche technical areas such as Defence Medical Services (DMS), and those instances where the MoD owns IP generated under contract, such as with the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE plc).

Ploughshare will now have an increased portfolio of IP which it can make available to industry to commercialise. In turn, the MoD anticipates even greater impact from the investment it makes in research and development, and also for the wider contribution its staff can make.

James Kirby, Ploughshare CEO, commented: “The commercialisation of Government IP benefits the UK economy in many ways. For example, Dstl IP alone has created 550 new jobs and generated exports in excess of £44 million. By significantly expanding the IP we have access to, those figures can be dramatically increased to further benefit the UK economy.”

The initiative will allow not just scientific and engineering developments to be commercialised but any innovative output from MoD staff. 

Ploughshare will incorporate the technologies into its established approach to industry to develop commercial licensing arrangements and the creation of spin-out companies.
In addition, Accelerator will host a demonstration area in DSEI’s Innovation Hub to showcase state-of-the-art equipment in three categories: Big Data, Immersive Training and Sensors; which were developed by winners of the Defence Growth Partnership Innovation Challenge, launched at DSEI 2015. 
Dr Andy Powell, Security & Defence Manager, at the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) said: “At KTN we work with companies across all sectors to help accelerate innovation. The MOD's Defence Innovation Initiative acknowledges that there are many ideas in commercial sectors that can bring significant advantage to Defence and we are delighted to support the DSEI Innovation Hub that encourages companies to engage with Defence.”
DSEI Event Director, Duncan Reid, explained: “We are continually looking for new ways to develop DSEI to best reflect the needs of the event’s global audience. The Innovation Hub will complement the offering from DSEI’s established exhibitor-base while helping other suppliers to break into the defence sector. Acting as a ‘marketplace’ for business, the Innovation Hub will assist those from the Front-Line Commands who are, in some instances, seeking to deliver military capability with solutions from companies whose expertise lies beyond defence.”