MoD awards Thales Future Support Contract for Watchkeeper

Posted on 6 July, 2016 by Advance 

The UK Ministry of Defence has awarded Thales a £80 million contract to deliver Support to the British Army's combat proven Watchkeeper Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS).

The Support Contract will provide technical support over the coming years and provide important additional capacity for training in order to generate operational capability.

Training support will see the continuation of the Watchkeeper Training Facility, training solutions design, updates to training courseware, and additional instructional capacity for pilot and mission system operators, maintainers and support crew.

In addition to supporting force generation, through training, Thales will provide direct maintenance support, which includes the provision of trained personnel to enhance the Army’s front-line engineering capacity.

Other important areas of support include a flexible, responsive technical query service; maintenance and updates of technical documentation and supply support, and the repair and deep storage maintenance for the equipment held in reserve.

The award of this contract will sustain around 160 high-quality engineering jobs at locations across the UK including Crawley, Leicester, Bristol and Boscombe Down.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said: “This £80 million agreement ensures the British Army’s Watchkeeper system will provide UK troops with next-generation battlefield intelligence for years to come. Sustained support for Watchkeeper is a key part of the UK Government’s 10-year £178 billion equipment plan to provide our Armed Forces with the kit they need now and into the future.”

Building on the previous initial support contract, Thales and the UK Ministry of Defence have worked together to provide a value for money solution that will meet the needs of the UK Armed Forces and ensures it has the serviceable equipment and training solution in place to generate increased capacity for operations over the coming years.