MBDA to help develop Romanian tactical missiles

Posted on 25 August, 2017 by Advance 

During the visit of French President Macron to Romania yesterday - within the framework of the Strategic Agreement between Romania and France - MBDA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Romanian state-owned defence group Romarm and its subsidiary Electromecanica Ploiesti, towards developing missile defence systems.


Antoine Bouvier, CEO of MBDA, is signing the MoU with, at his left Mr Constantin Croitorou, General Director of Romarm and Vlaicu Constantinescu, General Director of Electromecanica Ploiesti.
Copyright MBDA

French President Macron and Romanian President Iohannis witnessed the signature of this MoU.
This Memorandum will allow the three parties to define and present the best French proposal for state of the art tactical missile systems in response to the operational requirements of the Romanian Armed Forces for land based air defence systems.

In accordance with requirements set by the Supreme Council of National Defence (CSAT), this will sustain the development of the Romanian defence industry through industrial cooperation, local production and transfer of technology, in line with the European initiative of Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO).
This will also constitute an important step of the reinforcement of the European industrial pillar of NATO.