MASS wins MoD DSCIS EW training contract

Posted on 5 October, 2017 by Advance 

Cohort plc company, MASS, has won a contract to provide the Defence School of Communication Information Systems (DSCIS) at Blandford with a classroom simulator to support the UK MoD's EW capability.

MASS’ EW simulator will become an integral part of the EW training process at the DSCIS.  The software based solution will enable instructional staff to deliver EW training under realistic physical, functional and environmental conditions with true-to-life scenarios.  This capability will ensure students are able to plan the deployment of EW sensors, analyse signals generated by the target emitters and identify threats and targets for attack or exploitation.

"MASS is delighted with this contract award, which highlights the quality of our innovative software solution and support services.  We are committed to improving the quality of training delivered by DSCIS and together, in partnership, we will ensure their high standard of training is maintained" said Rob Jones, Head of EW Business Development.