Lord Mayor of Westminster visits her namesake warship

Posted on 26 April, 2016 by Advance 

Lieutenant Commander Chris L’Amie with Lady Christabel Flight onboard HMS Westminster.

Courtesy Royal Navy

Lady Christabel Flight was given a comprehensive tour of the new-look HMS Westminster
which included a close-up inspection of its Sea Ceptor Weapon system, 997 radar and sonar capability.


HMS Westminster

Courtesy Royal Navy

The Lord Mayor, whose one-year term of office ends next month, has taken a keen interest in the ship during her tenure.

She said: “My relationship with HMS Westminster
has been a real highlight of my tenure and I hope to maintain those close links into the future. I would like to wish HMS Westminster
and her ship’s company all the very best for her regeneration and return to the operational fleet.”

The ship’s Senior Naval Officer, Lieutenant Commander Chris L’Amie, said: “It was a real pleasure to welcome the Lord Mayor to HMS Westminster
. Throughout Lady Flight’s year in office she has been a great friend to the ship.

"Our affiliation to her office remains one of our most active and valuable relationships and we look forward to building upon it in the future.”

The affiliation will be further cemented next month when the crew attends the Lord Mayor’s end-of-office reception, and in June they will return to support some of Westminster’s civic ceremonies in London.