Loganair prepares its staff for winter

Posted on 16 November, 2018 by Advance 

Loganair has been preparing its staff for the winter season with customer service teams in Shetland, Kirkwall, Stornoway and Benbecula completing training courses in aircraft de-icing procedures in readiness for snow and ice conditions this winter.

Loganair operates Orkney’s inter-isles air services, linking Kirkwall with North Ronaldsay, Sanday, Stronsay, Eday Westray and Papa Westray. The flight between Westray and Papa Westray can be as short as 47 seconds, officially qualifying it as the world’s shortest scheduled flight (Ed: Making it a possible candidate for the world's first electrically propelled

Over 145 hours of instruction have been delivered over the 2017-2018 season, consisting of classes in both theory and practical skills. The company has also invested in renewing and upgrading its de-icing rigs.

Loganair delivers the training in-house, after two of its station managers travelled to Frankfurt in 2016 to qualify as specialist instructors by taking the Aircraft De-Icing Operations Management course.

Earlier in the year, Loganair was the only airline to operate a full schedule from Glasgow Airport during the adverse weather in March, an achievement accredited in part to its focus on winter preparation.

The airline delivers over 1,000 flights every week, serving 20 airports in Scotland alone. Many of the airline’s routes are lifeline services between islands and the mainland, with island communities depending on reliable air services.

Tom Burns, operations manager on Shetland – and de-icing expert – said: “For aircrafts to operate safely we must ensure all snow and ice is removed from the wings and flying controls.

“We have invested heavily in equipment and more importantly training in best practise to ensure we are ready and able to deal with winter operations and ensure our customers get to their destinations in complete safety and on time.”