Locken rolls out access control for French sub-stations

Posted on 5 December, 2016 by Advance 

Locken has recently transformed the access security of electrical power stations throughout the large French region, Ile de France, following a contract with leading French electricity provider Enedis.

Providing 24/7 smart security access with full traceability, Locken has successfully replaced the original mechanical cylinder systems at up to 80 substations with its advanced intelligence security systems.  

For Enedis it was essential that its security solution was able to provide restricted site access to a growing list of authorised personnel – from maintenance teams to technicians. Couple this with the highly sensitive nature of the sites with high-voltage lines; a proven access control solution was needed at every single site. “The challenge of securing multiple-sites, where access authorisation is required in order to protect people, goods and information, has never been more crucial than it is today.” Philippe Kellermann, head of operations at Eastern of Ile de France for the Enedis Group explains.

Delivering robust and traceable access control, Locken’s solution is based on a smart key and passive cylinders incorporating a power source which enables access control and tracking from one smart electronic device. Each smart key holds a unique serial number, which cannot be duplicated but can be reprogrammed, enabling it to open one or all access points. Crucially, due to the remote access of the sites and hazardous environment, it was paramount that a key could be suspended quickly if lost, while allowing for one-time access to people in a position outside the usual area of operations.

Significantly, while enabling quick access, the power-free, electronic cylinders cannot be picked. With admission rights provided by the key and data recorded within it, electronic locks provide vastly increased security compared to any other access control solution on the market and, in the event of loss or theft, can quickly be disabled. Full audit trails, through a Bluetooth key combined with the MyLocken App, provide management with full traceability access authorisation.

“Our sites are predominantly located within isolated areas a considerable distance apart; consequently electrical substations are vulnerable to security risks, including vandalism and theft, so there is a greater requirement for surveillance.” Explains Philippe Kellermann. “Management of these sites need the ability to control where and when an individual is authorised to enter, making monitoring and controlling access points more prevalent than ever. Through the Locken solution, security managers can receive reports about potential dysfunctions enabling them to respond quickly.”

“Locken’s expertise has enabled us to work in partnership to find a solution that not only replaces our outdated mechanical cylinder system with little modification to infrastructure, but allows us to meet our business continuity objectives and utilise the latest technology to gain full control of data and access rights.”