Leonardo signs first company to work with RAF's RCO

Posted on 9 May, 2017 by Advance 

Leonardo announced at the IDEF exhibition in İstanbul today, that it has signed up as the first company to partner with the newly-established Rapid Capability Office (RCO), within the Royal Air Force (RAF) HQ Air Command.

The RCO has been created to bring new technologies and capabilities to the war fighter, in a faster more streamlined fashion.

The RCO’s first joint project will see the RAF and Leonardo each invest into a project that will develop the next generation of fighter jet countermeasures known as ‘expendable active decoys’ (EADs), using Leonardo’s test-proven BriteCloud EAD technology. The RCO and Leonardo are also working to clear the existing BriteCloud EAD for operational use.

BriteCloud is a radar jamming decoy for fighter aircraft that can be deployed from a standard chaff and flare dispenser. It protects aircraft from modern, sophisticated radar-guided missiles that are able to outwit older, anti-radar countermeasures such as chaff. The incoming missile is drawn to the BriteCloud and misses the aircraft by a large margin. Manufactured by Leonardo in the UK, BriteCloud being offered to a number of export nations.

BriteCloud is what is known as a ‘second generation’ expendable active decoy (EAD). First generation EADs were developed towards the end of the cold war. They used early jamming techniques that would not defeat today’s more advanced missiles, guided as they are by sophisticated radars on the ground or even on the missile itself.  BriteCloud, which uses much smarter on-board jamming techniques, is the first ‘second generation’ EAD to have been proven in live trials to defeat these more advanced threats. BriteCloud’s effectiveness was demonstrated in launches from RAF Tornado aircraft in March 2016. The new collaboration between Leonardo and the RAF will see the two organisations jointly develop ‘third generation’ EADs; details of which are currently classified.

A quantity of BriteCloud decoys has already been acquired by the RAF with a view to writing CONOPS (concepts of operations) for the decoy, effectively a ‘user guide' for pilots who will use the countermeasure on operations.