Kevan Jones tours Boeing's Gosport site

Posted on 15 January, 2016 by Advance 


Kevan Jones with Trevor Watkins, Programme Manager, UK Chinook In-Service Support at the Gosport site.

During his visit, the MP for North Durham focused on Boeing’s UK based operations with the RAF Chinook, looking at its In-Service Supports as well as recent modifications and upgrades.

During a tour of the facilities Trevor Watkins, Programme Manager at Boeing Defence Systems UK, provided Mr Jones with an overview of Boeing Defence UK. Mr Jones was also briefed about the UK rotorcraft support, a division of Boeing Defence UK focused on providing increased capability to the UK’s military rotorcraft fleet.

The former Shadow Defence Minister is currently undertaking his Fellowship in the aerospace industry, to further his knowledge in this area.  This visit follows a previous visit with Boeing at their International Training Centre at Farnborough and Fleet.

Commenting on his Visit, Kevan Jones MP said: “I have enjoyed my visit to Boeing today; and it really complimented my previous visit to Farnborough and Fleet. The information gathered today will certainly be useful in future contributions I make in the chamber on these issues, and I would like to thank the staff at Boeing who took the time to speak to me and show me around.”

Trevor Watkins, Programme Manager, from Boeing added: “It was a pleasure to host Kevan today and it was great to see how interested he was in the work we do here. It was great to see a parliamentarian have a real passion for the work we do, and I hope we are able to continue to make healthy relationships with Parliamentarians.”