Jonathan Lyle marks retirement from Dstl with charity walk

Posted on 21 July, 2017 by Advance 

Jonathan Lyle, Chief Executive of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) at Porton Down, will be marking his retirement after seven years at the organisation with a walk for charity.


Jonathan Lyle preparing for his Macmillan Way walk.
Crown copyright

Later this month Jonathan - who is Salisbury born - will be walking part of the Macmillan Way – 297 miles of coastal path which runs from Boston to Abbotsbury.

Raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support, Jonathan saw the walk as a fitting tribute to his colleagues at Dstl who have been affected by the disease.

He said: “As I reflect on my seven years in Dstl, the saddest reflection is of the number of colleagues and partners and relatives of colleagues, that we have lost to cancer. 
“In every case there has been a real sense of loss, not just for the colleagues’ immediate family but to our Dstl family - of careers cut short, of great expertise, friendship and professional contribution lost to all of us by this insidious disease.”

Jonathan also lost his sister Vanessa to cancer last October, when she was aged just 54.

The route will take in landmarks from the engineer and civil servant’s childhood.

Cancer is very common and can touch many of us indirectly or directly, it is important to be aware of how you can help, as well as sponsorship, one other way is to be armed with knowledge of the common signs of cancer via the Macmillian website

If you would like to make a donation to Macmillan for the walk, please visit