It is just 'plane' manners

Posted on 7 January, 2016 by Advance 

When taking a flight, many of us wait anxiously to see who we’re sitting next to, in case it’s someone who might try to strike up a conversation, complain a lot, or swear in front of the kids.  Are you considerate of your fellow passengers or do you recline your seat when the person behind you is trying to tuck into their in-flight meal? 

‘Plane strangers’ can be plain rude.  London City Airport surveyed passengers to find out the 10 worst habits of plane strangers.

People who recline their seat came out on top, with 63% of respondents naming it amongst the worst habits.  Personal space is clearly important to us, as armrest hoggers were in second place, while people putting their feet through gaps between seats came in at number eight.

Fellow passengers being rude to cabin crew completes the top three, while hand luggage wars, unsurprisingly, also makes the top five.

Here is the full top 10:

Reclining their seat so far back they are practically in your lap

Planting their elbows firmly on the arm rests to leave no room for you

Being rude to cabin crew – a thank you costs nothing

Carrying hand luggage that is clearly too big so some poor person has to put theirs in the hold

Talking loudly to their travel companions so you can’t hear yourself think

Forgetting their manners when getting off the plane, they don’t care as long as they’re first in the passport queue

Constantly getting up to retrieve items from the overhead lockers

Putting their feet in the gaps between seats so they poke you in the shoulder

Swearing without a care for who is in earshot

Hogging the window and blocking your view

A spokesperson for London City Airport said:  “On an aeroplane we get closer to strangers than we would in almost any other setting, so it’s no wonder little things can irritate us.  Be considerate of your fellow passengers - you wouldn’t lean against a stranger on a park bench while you ate your lunch, so think about how much space you really need before reclining your seat.  If you’re on the receiving end, try deep breathing and remind yourself it’s just a short trip before you can get off the plane.  And if you can’t beat ‘em, join in the conversation, you could end up making a new friend.”