Inzpire supports Exercise RED FLAG

Posted on 7 March, 2018 by Advance 

Experts from Inzpire LimitedÂ’s Integrated Sensors and Systems (ISS) and Synthetic Training Divisions recently deployed to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, to support Exercise RED FLAG 18-1. Exercise RED FLAG is the world’s most complex air combat exercise, involving XI(F) Squadron from RAF Coningsby as well as participants from U.S Air Force, US Navy, US Army, US Marine Corps and the Royal Australian Air Force.

Inzpire Typhoon Mission Data (MD) and Defensive Aids (DASS) technical and developmental subject matter experts based at RAF Coningsby’s Typhoon Mission Support Centre flew out to Nevada to provide DASS MD support to the XI(F) Typhoons participating in the Exercise, whilst assessing the latest version of the software.

Deploying for three weeks in direct support of XI(F) Sqn, Typhoon Standards and Evaluation (STANEVAL) and 92 Tactics Sqn allowed the MD and Software Development team to directly interact with current front-line pilots in an operational environment. Interaction of this nature ensures that technical expertise is passed on from Inzpire’s experts, and also allows them to stay informed of current tactical procedures and philosophies. This environment facilitates pilot training and simulates the interaction required in current and future operational theatres between the war-fighter and the MD support team. 

In addition to the support provided by Inzpire’s ISS team, the Synthetic Training Division from the Air Battlespace Training Centre (ABTC) sent Attack and J2 experts to observe the Exercise. The aim was to keep abreast of current tactics, capabilities and exercise management techniques so that the ABTC can deliver the most up to date and relevant training in the future. This will benefit not only the Typhoon Force but also the E-3D Force, Rivet Joint and Royal Navy Type 45 as well as the Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance QWI Course that regularly use the ABTC facility.

A Synthetic Training expert from Inzpire, who participated in the Exercise, said: “Being able to take part in the planning, briefing and debriefing at RED FLAG was an invaluable privilege. This training is the most advanced live flying exercise in the world; the capabilities brought to bear, in real time, are second to none and are something that cannot be appreciated without access to the exercise as it happens. It was pleasing to come away not only impressed with the way the exercise ran but in the knowledge that the ABTC is on the right track with the way we deliver synthetic training; we will be able to enhance our training further by bringing in some of the best practice and capabilities seen on the exercise.”