Inzpire and Black Kite Technologies introduce new military training simulator

Posted on 28 June, 2016 by Advance 

UK training company, Inzpire, has developed a new simulator capability with Black Kite Technologies, which it will be launching at the Farnborough International Airshow next month.

The training system is designed to respond to the emerging requirements of global armed forces at a fraction of the cost of current training methods.

The Lincoln-based defence and aerospace company, Inzpire, will use the Farnborough International Airshow to announce its new initiative with simulator developers, Black Kite Technologies. Both companies have extensive experience serving in and delivering to the UK Armed Forces, and have combined this expertise to develop the Targeted Fidelity Device (TFD) simulator for the global military training market.

Synthetic training is known to be an attractive alternative to live environments when preparing armed forces personnel for operational duty - significantly saving the user time and money, while offering highly realistic and demonstrably effective simulated scenarios. Inzpire and Black Kite identified a gap in the market for a system that offers advancements in graphics, technology and ease of use, while reducing costs to the customer. The companies therefore focused on designing a simulator to provide the highest fidelity environments blended with proven training techniques, delivered at a fraction of the cost of traditional simulators.

The Inzpire TFD Simulator is unique in that it has been developed to incorporate a complete replica of a real cockpit, but without the cost of full motion simulator alternatives. It also uses high end graphics and scenario generation which are considered to be one of the most advanced on the market. Designed for upmost flexibility, the system can be fully networked, connecting users in multiple locations, to offer effective collective training, linking soldiers on the ground with helicopter and fixed wing pilots and even naval forces. Where other simulators require the system to go offline for considerable periods of time while cockpits are reconfigured, the Inzpire TFD simulator can change the cockpit in use in under half an hour.

The technology and hardware is provided by Black Kite. With a strong track record delivering training services to UK and international armed forces, including: British Army Apache Attack and Wildcat helicopter pilots, and collective training at the Air Battlespace Training Centre at RAF Waddington, Inzpire will run the training courses.

Jonny Priest DFC, Inzpire's Head of Helicopter Services is leading the project with John Tipper, Director of Black Kite.

Jonny Priest DFC explained: "The Inzpire TFD simulator is already receiving significant interest from a range of overseas customers, where requirements are steadily emerging for innovative and cost-effective simulation solutions. Discussions are well underway and we are working on customised versions for several potential users. The technology can also, of course, be adapted for use in the civil market in the future."

Inzpire will be exhibiting at Farnborough International Airshow from 11-15 July 2016.