Inmarsat to help Royal Marines mark 75th anniversary of WWII raids

Posted on 10 May, 2018 by Advance 

A team of Royal Marines is preparing for an historic 2,000-mile (3,200 km) journey along Norway’s coastline. Royal Marines commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Telemark raids in Norway will use Inmarsat satellite communications to stay connected and share the stories they unearth during a 2,000 mile coastal journey by bike and sea kayak. The eight-strong, self-sufficient team will cycle up to 200km and paddle up to 40km a day.

Norway 75 will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Telemark raids – an Allied operation which successfully halted Nazi Germany’s plan to develop nuclear weapons.

Travelling by sea kayak and bike, the team will revisit the sites of a number of critical World War II Commando/SOE operations that led up to the raids, linking up with the Norwegian Home Guard, local historians, and families with connections to the events.

Throughout the expedition this June and July, Norway 75 will rely on Inmarsat to stay connected.

Challenge Director Capt Tim Pitcher explained: “We’re using Inmarsat because of the need for satellite communications in the high north when operating at reach – satellite phones for SOS if we need it but also for tracking features, vehicle-mounted satellite systems to stay in touch with the other vehicles and the teams that are either on the bikes or the sea kayaks.”

Inmarsat is supplying an IsatPhone 2 satellite phone and a range of BGAN broadband terminals including highly compact equipment to stow away in kitbags and a system for comms-on-the-move.

As well as celebrating combined Commando/Special Operations Executive raids of the past, the expedition will also highlight and support the ongoing work of the Royal Marines Charity and its efforts to support good mental health.