Inmarsat joins the LoRa Alliance

Posted on 8 February, 2016 by Advance 

Inmarsat will provide the LoRa ecosystem with satellite connectivity to enable the deployment of solutions anywhere an object or device needs to be connected.

The LoRa Alliance, a non-profit organisation founded in 2015 by industry leaders across the IoT and machine-to-machine (M2M) industries, has a mission to standardise Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) which are being deployed worldwide to enable IoT, machine-to-machine (M2M), smart city and industrial applications. Pooling their knowledge and experience, the members of the Alliance aim to guarantee interoperability between operators to make LoRaWAN the open global standard for IoT applications worldwide.

“Joining the LoRa Alliance is a natural fit for Inmarsat,” Greg Ewert, President, Enterprise, Inmarsat said. “Our portfolio of M2M services, powered by our global network, have long been used to extend the reach of our customers’ M2M networks in a number of vertical markets, powering the Internet of Everywhere for solutions worldwide. We hope that our expertise will be a valuable addition to the LoRa Alliance, and we are pleased to champion a global standard for IoT connectivity.”

With reliable, global mobile satellite connectivity, Inmarsat fulfils the unique connectivity requirements for valuable M2M and IoT networks wherever they are on the globe and beyond the reach of terrestrial networks – at land, at sea and in the air.

“We are very pleased to welcome Inmarsat as a member of the LoRa Alliance,” Olivier Hersent, CEO & CTO, Actility, said. “Inmarsat is the first global satellite operator to join us. Their expertise and know-how in delivering mission critical mobile communication services to businesses and institutions worldwide will be a great asset to further develop the LoRaWAN ecosystem. The Alliance is looking forward to working with Inmarsat to accelerate LoRa enabled IoT services worldwide.”