Icelandair appoints new General Manager for UK

Posted on 2 November, 2016 by Advance 

Icelandair has appointed a new General Manager, Þorsteinn Guðjónsson, who is currently Sales Manager in Sweden and will as of 1 November 2016, take over as General Manager for Western Europe, which includes the UK.

Þorsteinn joined Icelandair in 2014 in his current role. Before joining Icelandair Þorsteinn was a business consultant and CEO of Iceland Tourist Bureau (Urval Utsyn). Þorsteinn has a BS in Economics and an MBA from Auburn University.

The UK used to be considered by Icelandair as one sales region and Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland was a separate region (Continental Europe). These are merging into one region, “Western Europe”, which includes Austria. Þorsteinn will be based in the London office with Hjalti Jonsson now becoming Marketing and Communications Manager for Western Europe. Additionally, Grimur Gislason, the Marketing Manager for Continental Europe is now becoming Sales Manager for Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Mr Helgi Már Björgvinsson, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Sales for Icelandair said: “It is with great appreciation that we say goodbye to Andres Jonsson who has been devoted to developing Icelandair’s routes and services in the UK. Andres now embraces a new role back in his home country Iceland while Þorsteinn will continue to build on the great foundations established.”