HMS Queen Elizabeth departs Portsmouth following essential maintenance

Posted on 10 March, 2022 by Advance 

HMS Queen Elizabeth has sailed from Portsmouth for the first time since her global operational deployment to the Indo-Pacific and back, having completed a period of essential maintenance.


HMS Queen Elizabeth departing from Portsmouth.
Courtesy Royal Navy

The nation’s flagship has been alongside for repairs since December following her seven-month mission but now returns to sea to carry out vital training and exercises to keep her ready for operations.

Captain Ian Feasey Royal Navy, Commanding Officer of HMS Queen Elizabeth, said: “We return to sea today as the United Kingdom’s Very High Readiness Strike Carrier for routine operational activity and training.

“The hard work of both my ship’s company and our supporting industrial partners has improved the condition of the Fleet Flagship.”

The 65,000-tonne aircraft will return to Glen Mallen on the Clyde in Scotland for a routine logistics visit and also hopes to visit Liverpool on her return leg to Portsmouth at the end of the month.

During this short stint at sea, training will focus on individual, team and whole ship exercises as well as working with commando-carrying Merlin helicopters from RNAS Yeovilton-based 846 Naval Air Squadron.

The ship will be conducting further exercises and training later in the year as the carrier is kept at very high readiness to deploy anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice.

Sister ship HMS Prince of Wales also recently left Portsmouth for the Arctic, where she will lead a task force in her role as NATO command ship on Exercise Cold Response, the large-scale Norwegian-led exercises which will see 35,000 troops from 28 nations operate together in one of the harshest environments known to man.

On a landmark seven-month mission last year – the most significant peacetime deployment by the Royal Navy in a generation – Queen Elizabeth and her task group of eight supporting ships, a submarine, five air squadrons and more than 3,700 personnel visited more than 40 countries.

Her F-35B stealth jets flew more than 4,000 hours – more than 23 weeks in the skies – while the ship worked with allied and partner nations forging new ties, renewing old friendships and flying the flag for Britain.