Heathrow UTC joins 'Think UTC'

Posted on 29 March, 2016 by Advance 


Heathrow Aviation Engineering UTC’s Combined Cadet Force.

The UTC ran a series of workshops throughout the day (Friday 18 March) with representatives from Brunel University, the RAF, Navy, Army and Heathrow Airport offering advice to the students about career opportunities in engineering. 

Jenny Body, OBE, FRAeS, Past President of The Royal Aeronautical Society and herself an aviation engineer, gave an inspirational speech about her own career path. 

Jenny said: “I was pleased to take part in a very interesting and inspiring day. These young people are given real opportunities at the UTC. It was great to be able to share some of my career experiences and to encourage them.”

Over 30 UTCs around the country participated in ‘Think UTC’ on Friday 18 March, which coincided with British Science Week and National Apprenticeship Week. 


Lord Baker meets Heathrow Aviation Engineering UTC’s Combined Cadet Force.

Lord Baker, Chairman of the Baker Dearing Educational Trust, the organisation that supports University Technical Colleges, attended the event and was welcomed by the UTC’s Combined Cadet Force. He informed the guests about the significance of ‘Think UTC’ day: “I am delighted to see so many UTCs involved in this national day. The University Technical College programme aims to put technical skills back at the heart of our educational system and highlight the importance and versatility of science, technology, engineering and maths in industry.

"Think UTC is a brilliant way of raising awareness amongst young people about the advantages of studying STEM subjects at school, and the range of high profile technical careers that skills in these subjects can lead to.”