Heathrow to create 516 airport apprenticeships

Posted on 14 March, 2017 by Advance 

As part of last week's National Apprenticeship Week, Heathrow and 31 airport-based businesses pledged to recruit, train and develop 516 new apprentices in 2017 – up from 455 last year – highlighting the airport community's commitment to creating career opportunities.
Heathrow Airport will create 125 new apprenticeships, alongside Omniserv (50), Balfour Beatty (20), World Duty Free (30), Travelex (40), Gate Gourmet (20), Dyer & Butler (10) and twenty five others – totalling 516 new places by December.
Heathrow supports one in five jobs in the local West London and Thames Valley area. The airport has a history of providing work training and apprenticeships: 5,874 people have undertaken employability training at the Heathrow Employment & Skills Academy since it opened in 2004 and 1,632 Academy candidates achieved apprenticeships at the airport. Heathrow’s Engineering Apprenticeship Scheme has trained over 470 apprentices since the 1980s, with 97% going on to work at the airport permanently. 
Paula Stannett, Heathrow’s Chief People Officer, said: “With 76,000 people at Heathrow, apprentices are a critical part of our talent pipeline, bringing fresh ideas and innovative ways of working to ensure that the airport runs smoothly and our passengers receive great service.
“By pledging a record-breaking 516 apprenticeships, Heathrow and our partner businesses are sending a clear message that there is a place for everyone at the airport – whatever your career ambition, we’ll help you get there.”
The Rt Hon. the Lord Blunkett said: “The Skills Taskforce I chair is helping young people in schools and colleges get the skills they need to become the next generation of airport managers, engineers and air traffic controllers. They will be taking advantage of the opportunities created by the airport’s expansion but, already, we can see the airport’s businesses stepping up to deliver over 500 apprenticeships through the Heathrow Academy this year.”