Heathrow passengers up 3.9% in first half of 2017

Posted on 28 July, 2017 by Advance 

Heathrow Airport has released results for the six months ended 30 June 2017, with all-time records in passenger traffic - up 3.9% to 37.1 million - and cargo - up 9.1% to 0.82 million tonnes.


Grimshaw concept design of a future Heathrow.

Its revenue is up 4.1% to £1,374 million and Adjusted EBITDA up 6.9% to £835 million reflecting renewed strengthening of retail momentum, whilst it has completed over £1 billion in debt financing completed, enhancing resilience and simplifying its debt financing arrangements.
Also, new partnership with Transport for London increased sustainable transport options for passengers with Crossrail serving all terminals from 2019.
Working with airlines, Heathrow is making good progress towards meeting the Government’s challenge to deliver expansion with airport charges close to current levels.

John Holland-Kaye, Chief Executive Officer of Heathrow, said: “Heathrow’s strong start to 2017 is a boon.

"The Government set us the challenge to expand Britain’s hub while keeping airport charges close to current levels. Working with airlines, we are making good progress to meet this challenge whilst delivering all our local commitments and the global connections our country needs.”