GSA announces prize for Galileo Initial Services

Posted on 19 May, 2016 by Advance 

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) is looking for the best ideas and applications that leverage Galileo's Initial Services, with a deadline for submissions for its annual European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) Special Topic Prize of 30 June 2016.

This year, the 2016 prize will reward the most innovative application idea for Galileo Initial Services.

Submissions must leverage Galileo Initial Services, which should be declared later this year. Submissions should also utilise the power of a multi-constellation environment as a means for providing new and more robust benefits to end users.

To be eligible, submissions must satisfy basic criteria. For example, all ideas and applications need to demonstrate commercial feasibility, use European GNSS signals as a primary means of positioning, and be able to contribute to Galileo market uptake, among others.

The winner will have the opportunity to develop their idea at an incubation centre of their choice within the EU-28 for six months, with the possibility of a further six months according to progress. Furthermore, the winning idea will have the chance to be showcased at the official Galileo Service Declaration Ceremony in Brussels, when Initial Services are announced to the world. “The GSA Special Prize nicely complements the Agency’s focus of getting closer to the end-user and helping them benefit from European space technology and, in particular, Galileo,” said GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides.

The GSA Special Prize is part of the annual European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC). Since 2004, the ESNC has been rewarding the best services, products, and business cases that utilise satellite navigation in everyday life. The ESNC offers a prize pool worth €1 million, including cash prizes and in-kind services. All winners of the 30 regional and special prizes will be in the running for the overall prize of €20 000 and a six-month incubation programme (which can be extended to one year) in a region of their choice.

Further information on this year’s prizes, partners and terms of participation (deadline for submissions is 30 June 2016) can be found on:
the ESNC website