GoSecure comes to the UK

Posted on 5 December, 2016 by Advance 

A major North American cyber security business has launched in the UK as more companies understand the need to protect their systems.


Villiers, Chief Operations Officer at GoSecure.

GoSecure in the UK is a subsidiary of Dorset-based C3IA Solutions, one of only 13 businesses to be certified by the government’s new National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

Heading GoSecure is RAF veteran and experienced cyber security expert Peter Villiers.

On leaving the RAF he became cyber security manager for a UK police force, and then worked with FTSE100 companies while also serving as a reservist in the British army’s cyber security team.

He then spotted the GoSecure business and saw the opportunity to bring it to the UK.

Matt Horan, director of C3IA Solutions, which is based in Poole, invested in the business that is now being rolled out across the country.
Setting GoSecure apart from competitors is its Advanced Adversary Protection (AAP) service as well as a team of 70 staff based in Canada that provide a full range of cyber security services and monitor all clients’ systems 24/7.

Peter said: “After we have installed our AAP appliance on a company’s system we can analyse the behaviour across all their devices.
“Then we use a complex set of threat information and analytics to identify both random and targeted attacks.

“Anything abnormal is then flagged and our staff, who monitor the system every second of the day, can quarantine the attack and carry out the necessary remedial action.

“Essentially we hunt down and kill threats, which gives a huge amount of reassurance to management and particularly any IT staff who often struggle to deal with attacks that we see every day.

“Potentially, good digital security could reduce insurance premiums.

“No information leaves a company we work with, and even if we are dealing with an issue the staff can still use their systems.
“Cyber-attacks can cost a business a lot of time and money – not to mention professional embarrassment if sensitive data is stolen.
“Our skills dovetail with C3IA’s expertise and together we offer everything required in the cyber security sector.”

Cyber-crime is a growing menace, which is one reason why the NCSC was set up.

The Office for National Statistics estimates that there were 5.6 million fraud and computer misuse crimes in the 12 months up to the end of June 2016.

To put this into context, the total number of crimes recorded in the rest of the survey stood at 6.5 million over the same period, meaning that the number of crimes measured by the survey has nearly doubled with the addition of these new questions.

Out of these 5.6 million fraud and computer misuse offences more than two thirds were specifically labelled as being examples of cyber-crime, which costs business more than a billion pounds annually.

GoSecure is a Canadian company which works across North America and around the world.