GKN Aerospace to continue support for Gripen's RM12 engine

Posted on 2 March, 2016 by Advance 


GKN Aerospace engine maintenance inspection of the RM12 engine.

This contract follows on from an initial five year RM12 PBL agreement and is expected to be worth approximately $250M.

Throughout the period of the new agreement GKN Aerospace will continue its support for day to day operations for JAS 39 Gripen C/D users. The company will ensure engine availability for every Swedish Air Force mission as well as for Gripen C/D export customers: the Czech Republic, Hungary and Thailand. This will include the provision of technical product support as well as comprehensive maintenance, repair and overhaul including repair development and spare parts supply.

Mike McCann, CEO, GKN Aerospace - Engine Systems explains: “We are totally committed to ensuring RM12 engine availability and its secure and safe performance in all operations. At the same time we closely monitor every aspect of product life cycle cost effectiveness. This comprehensive level of service has helped maintain this engine’s excellent track record, ensuring it is one of the best single engine installations in the world. We are proud to have been selected to continue delivering this service for all RM12 engine users in the coming years.”

The GKN Aerospace RM12 engine has powered the JAS 39 Gripen throughout the approximately 230 000 flight hours this aircraft has already achieved. It is based on the General Electric F404 engine from which it has been developed to include single engine safety criteria, higher performance and greater durability. The primary focus of the development programme for the RM12 engine was to deliver the highest possible operational effectiveness with the most favourable life-cycle cost. GKN Aerospace holds the military type certificate (MTC) for this engine.