General Dynamics shows its strength at DVD2016

Posted on 7 September, 2016 by Advance 

General Dynamics will today showcase its products and services at this year's DVD show at the Millbrook Proving Ground, Bedfordshire (7-8 September).
Courtesy General Dynamics

At the show, General Dynamics Land Systems is demonstrating its significant military vehicle capability and innovation, showcasing the PIRANHA 5, Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV) 6.0 Demonstrator, EAGLE (above), two Ocelot platforms and AJAX. 

PIRANHA 5, with a gross vehicle weight of 33 tonnes, is a highly-mobile and flexible platform with a large free payload and a highly-protected transport volume to provide significant growth potential throughout the life of the platform. PIRANHA 5 can be adapted to accomplish a wide-range of mission objectives. It has proven its high-mobility in competitive trials by utilising its fourth axle steering, the versatile economic driveline, hydro-pneumatic suspension and the large 16R20 tyres. There is a choice of two powerful engine solutions with over 600 hp from Scania or Rolls-Royce / MTU. In addition to providing a high level of improvised explosive devices (IED) and mine and ballistic protection, the PIRANHA 5 provides a spacious, flexible and comfortable interior for up to 12 soldiers. PIRANHA 5 has recently been selected by Denmark and Spain for the modernisation of their Armed Forces. It was also the winner of the UK FRES Utility Vehicle (UV) competition in 2008. 

The Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV) 6.0 Demonstrator offers high-levels of protection utilising blast-deflecting Double-V hull technology and energy-absorbing seating for crew and troops.  A sixth generation suspension and driveline and a more powerful engine provide high-mobility and significantly increased payload.  The LAV platform is currently in service with seven nations, and more than 10,000 LAVs have been delivered to our customers to date.  All systems on the LAV are currently in production and available as off-the-shelf technology.

Amongst other vehicles within the General Dynamics' portfolio, the PIRANHA 5, LAV and Stryker Family of Vehicles are potential solutions for the UK’s Mechanised Infantry Vehicle (MIV) programme.

EAGLE is a combat-proven vehicle that provides superior tactical mobility and highest-protection in its class. The EAGLE is in service with the German, Swiss and Danish Armies.  It is available in a range of 4x4 and 6x6 configurations and can fulfill roles such as Armoured Personnel Carrier, Ambulance, Recovery, Command, Reconnaissance and Logistics.  EAGLE provides logistic commonality across its range of variants to offer lower maintenance and lifecycle costs.  General Dynamics Land Systems–UK has submitted EAGLE for the UK’s Multi Role Vehicle – Protected (MRV-P) programme.

Courtesy General Dynamics

The Ocelot light tactical 4x4 protected vehicle is successfully deployed on operations with the British Army as Foxhound (above).  It is a best-in-class mine and blast protected 4x4 vehicle.  The design of the Ocelot platform is modular, enabling the British Army to provide role-specific platforms from the common base platform. This ensures logistic, training and support commonality across the variants.  Variant modules include Patrol, Special Operations, General Purpose Logistics and Command and Control for Battalion and Company/Sqn HQ elements. 

The two Ocelot variants being showcased at DVD 2016 are:
•    Special Operations Vehicle variant: Ocelot’s range, payload and proven reliability enable the Special Operations Vehicle to be configured for rapid reaction, strike, deep reconnaissance and long-range patrolling tasks associated with special and light force operations. 
•    Command and Control variant: Designed to fulfil the needs of Company and Battalion level commanders where C4I agility and protection of the command groups is a premium. 


General Dynamics Land Systems-UK has successfully completed an additional live firing test for AJAX, the British Army's new Armoured Fighting Vehicle, at a range in West Wales.
PRNewsFoto/General Dynamics Land Systems-UK Copyright Patrick Olner

With AJAX platforms currently on trials, the programme’s progress will be demonstrated using Oculus Rift, the next generation in virtual reality, which will provide a soldier’s-eye view of the interior and exterior of the platform.  In addition, there will be a range of interactive presentations that captures the continued trials successes in demonstrating the capability of the British Army’s first fully-digitised platform.