Gatwick first UK airport to educate students with 'Learn Live'

Posted on 9 March, 2017 by Advance 

Gatwick has become the first airport in the UK to use the 'Learn Live' streaming platform to broadcast information to students thinking about pursuing a career at the airport.

The Learn Live channel enables the airport to broadcast a series of monthly interactive video links to schools across the country, giving students an opportunity to ask questions directly to Gatwick's staff.

Each session will cover a different theme and introduce the students to the many different career paths Gatwick has to offer, while also providing inspiration for subject choice while considering a career at the airport. The broadcasts are recorded so the sessions can be extended to other year groups not able to take part in the live sessions.

As part of National Apprenticeship Week (6th - 10th March), Gatwick is also launching a series of 'Back to the Floor' sessions with senior members of staff revisiting their apprenticeship roots.

Stewart Wingate, Gatwick's Chief Executive Officer, Tony Yates, Gatwick's Head of Engineering and Helen Cowper, Gatwick's Operations Development Lead, all began their careers as engineering apprentices and are each being paired with one of Gatwick's current apprentices to perform a series of engineering based tasks together across the airport.

Alison Addy, Gatwick's Head of Community Engagement, said: "Gatwick has a well-established apprenticeship programme and the Learn Live technology not only enables us to continue investing in local communities but also helps to shape our future workforce by inspiring young people to think about apprenticeships and careers at the Airport, as was the case with our senior leaders who are taking part in our 'Back to the Floor' initiative".

Stuart Heaton, Managing Director of Learn Live, said: "We want to congratulate Gatwick Airport for having the foresight to launch live broadcasts and help young people make important career choices.

"There is nothing more compelling than a behind the scenes insight into such a fascinating business, and we know these sessions will be incredibly successful."

Andrew Larkin, Teacher at Our Lady's and St John's High School, said: "Our students found the Gatwick Airport live broadcast both informative and engaging. The fact that it was live from various locations with specialists in different areas of Gatwick made a huge impact on our students' learning and understanding of this sector.

"We also liked the way that students could interact with the technology and ask questions and receive feedback direct from the staff at Gatwick in real time on screen, making the session much more engaging than traditional classroom learning."