GANS and ATRiCS to develop advanced air traffic controller training

Posted on 10 November, 2021 by Advance 

Global Air Navigation Services (GANS, United Arab Emirates) and ATRiCS Advanced Traffic Solutions GmbH (ATRiCS, Germany), a member of the Frequentis Group, have signed an agreement to jointly develop, promote and deliver an air traffic controller training course for the next generation of tower automation systems.


(left to right) Wolfgang Hatzack, CEO, ATRiCS and Yahya Al Hammadi, CEO, GANS, sign the agreement to develop an advanced integrated air traffic controller training course.
Courtesy GANS

The cooperation has grown from the successful collaboration in the operational implementation of a state-of-the-art tower automation system at Abu Dhabi International Airport in the United Arab Emirates. In this 5-year project undertaken by Abu Dhabi Airports, ATRiCS and GANS together with numerous other stakeholders have achieved an unrivalled level of integration and automation, including an Integrated Controller Working Position (ICWP) and fully automatic routing, guidance and conflict resolution capabilities. This has proven to significantly reduce controller workload and improve operational efficiency.

The success of ATRiCS and GANS in the controller training during this project, has proven the importance of a new and adequate training approach to familiarise air traffic controllers with a working environment marked by a high degree of automation and integration. Both companies
therefore see chances to introduce a new training standard at the GANS training centre, to deploy the potential of operational efficiency and cost effectiveness of next generation automation systems by opening a new chapter of adequate controller training in the market.

Preparations to develop the curricula will start before the end of 2021.

Yahya Al Hammadi, CEO GANS said: “With the vital role our team played in the successful implementation of the new tower automation system at Abu Dhabi International Airport, we see this collaboration with ATRiCS as a natural evolution which exploits the knowledge and experience from the project, to develop a truly innovative course which prepares controllers for the working environment of the future. This endeavour is in line with our strategic goal to achieve greater collaboration within the ATM ecosystem to safeguard delivery of efficient and cost effective services to our customers.”

Wolfgang Hatzack, CEO ATRiCS said: “We are delighted about the successful cooperation in Abu Dhabi. With GANS we have found an organisation that realises the need to proactively manage the paradigm shift our industry is facing in the light of automation. Adapting training
to the new possibilities of automation systems in the tower is key to preventing negative impacts on safety and efficiency.“

The Agreement was signed on day two at the World ATM Congress in Madrid, held for the first time since 2019 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.