Future Helicopter Technology 2017 opens registration

Posted on 17 January, 2017 by Advance 

SMi Group has announced that registration is now open for the Future Helicopter Technology event taking place in Rome on 18th and 19th May 2017.


AW101 (EH101) Merlin.
Courtesy Leonardo

Formerly held in Central and Eastern Europe, the event organisers have decided to move the event to Rome, Italy, following feedback from the military and industry defence helicopter market. With a deep and rich history of military aviation and being home to helicopter manufacturer Leonardo, the event will see more helicopter platforms represented than any other 2017 military event (including the NH90, TIGER, Sikorsky UH-60, Bell UH-1D, cH-53E Super Stallion and Merlin Mk3).

This year, there will be detailed focus on Maritime Helicopter Optimisation with high level briefings from USMC, Royal Navy and Commander Italian Naval Aviation.

The programme is set to offer a clear overview on major aviation capabilities, current and future challenges to joint operations and Special Forces, maritime deployment of rotary wing aircrafts and latest technological developments vis-a-vis advanced helicopter platforms.

Host Nation Speakers: Representing all branches of the Italian Armed Forces
•    Brigadier General (Ret’d) Roberto Quattrociocchi, Former Deputy MILREP NATO, Italian Air Force (Conference Chairman)
•    Major General Fabio Molteni, Commander Flying Experimental Centre, Italian Air Force
•    Major General Antonio Bettelli, Commander Italian Army Aviation, Italian Army
•    Major General Nicola Zanelli, Commander, Italian Special Forces Operations Joint Command
•    Rear Admiral Giorgio Gomma, Director of the Naval Aviation Dpt. (Italian Navy General Staff) and Commander of the Italian Fleet Air Arm, Italian Navy
•    Colonel (Ret’d) Massimo Bonesi, Former Chief of the Italian Army Aviation Test Centre - RW Development and Test Expert, Italian Army
International Speakers:
•    Brigadier General Uwe F. Klein, Commander International Helicopter Training Centre (IHTC) and Head of German Army Aviation, German Army
•    Brigadier General Fernando Garcia Blazquez, Commander Spanish Army Aviation, Spanish Army
•    Colonel lenny Brown MBE, Commanding Officer of the Commando Helicopter Force, UK Royal Navy
•    Colonel Hannes Mittermair, Aviation Brigade, Austrian Air Force
•    Colonel Henrik Kanstrup, Commander Helicopter Wing Karup, Royal Danish Air Force
•    Colonel Thomas Hoenig, Division Leader Logistics, NATO Helicopter Management Agency, NAHEMA
•    Colonel Jean-Didier Vandezande, Material Resources department, Belgian Air Component
•    Lieutenant Colonel Uwe Schleimer, Deputy Commander, European Personnel Recovery Centre
•    Mr. Ivan Volpoet, Head of Flight Test Division chez DGA Flight Test Center, Direction générale de l’armement (DGA)
•    Mr. Cyril Goutard, Tiger Programme Manager, OCCAR

For further information: