Free security event returns to Manchester

Posted on 15 October, 2018 by Advance 

The event 'Manchester Security – Safe and Secure for Business' will return to the city on Tuesday, 13th November 2018, providing valuable advice on current security challenges that face the Manchester community and beyond.

The event will be opened by ACC Russ Jackson QPM, and presentations will cover issues relating to terrorism, local policing, anti-social behaviour and personal robbery. A briefing will also be given on ‘Project Servator’ the name given to unpredictable, highly visible police deployments, designed to deter, detect and disrupt a wide range of criminal activity.

Baroness Ruth Henig CBE (above), Chair of SecuriGroup – event sponsor, will also deliver a presentation on ‘the value of security’ which will cover the contribution and challenges of regulation within the security industry, and the importance of training and renumeration. 

Doors will open at 08:30, refreshments and breakfast snacks will be provided, and there will be opportunities to network before and after the event which is due to end at around 11:30.  SelectaDNA will also have their crime prevention products available to view at the event.

The event is organised by Manchester City Centre Crime Prevention Panel with the support of Greater Manchester Police, Manchester City Council and Atmaana Business Consulting.

Online registration is available at: