The Defence Infrastructure Organisation's (DIO) Future Defence Infrastructure Services (FDIS) programme has reached a milestone with the announcement that Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has appointed companies to new frameworks for new housing and facilities management (FM) contracts. The FDIS contracts will provide FM services across the UK defence estate, replacing existing arrangements when they come to an end. Each contract will be seven years in length, with options to extend up to a further three years, subject to satisfactory performance and other considerations.
The contracts are being procured as part of the CCS workplace services FM marketplace framework. This is a new way of working for DIO and enables access to a more diverse supplier base, while improving value for money for the taxpayer by leveraging government buying power.
This phase of the FDIS programme will procure new hard FM arrangements for four regional contracts and five contracts that will replace the current National Housing Prime. The replacement for the current national training estate prime will be procured through a subsequent framework during the next phase of the programme.
DIO’s Commercial Director Jacqui Rock said: "DIO spends around £3 billion every year buying infrastructure services for our armed forces both in the UK and overseas. These new contracts will form a significant part of this and will provide improved value for money for the taxpayer. They will also allow us access to a wider supply base including both large multinational companies and small and medium enterprises."
Sam Ulyatt, CCS’s Buildings Strategic Commercial Director, said: "CCS has engaged extensively to design a framework structure which meets the needs of customers and incorporates social value. Our public sector contract has also been simplified to aid procurement for customers and suppliers alike."
The next stage of the process is the call-off or Invitation to Tender for the suppliers who were awarded a place on the CCS FM Marketplace Phase 2 framework, to be able to bid for the new contracts. This is currently scheduled to begin with the Built Estate competition in spring 2019, followed by the accommodation management and maintenance competition in summer 2019.