Farsound Aviation achieves TRACE certification

Posted on 20 April, 2020 by Advance 

Farsound Aviation’s TRACE certification has now been completed, enabling it to share a verified due diligence report with both current and potential business partners.


The team at Romford based Farsound Aviation Ltd.
Courtesy Farsound Aviation

Other benefits of the certification are inclusion in TRACE’s online Intermediary Directory of TRACE Certified individuals and companies, which can be accessed by companies seeking business partners in its region, as well as use of TRACE’s online training modules on key compliance issues for up to 40 employees.

As a result of the certification, Farsound Aviation can also participate in TRACE workshops at no cost as well as use the TRACE logo and TRACE certification ID in all of its marketing materials and website with the following description:

“TRACE has completed a TRACE certification due diligence review of Farsound Aviation Limited. Certification by TRACE signifies that Farsound Aviation Limited has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been forthcoming and co-operative during the review process. TRACE certification underscores Farsound Aviation Limited's commitment to transparency in international commercial transactions.”

Farsound Aviation’s Sales Director Lee Kelsey said: “We are delighted to have been awarded TRACE certification. It means we are able to share a verified due diligence report with our business partners giving them the confidence they are dealing with a company that meets TRACE’s stringent anti-bribery compliance standards.”

Founded in 2001 to provide multinational companies and their commercial intermediaries with anti-bribery compliance support, TRACE International is non-profit business association. Its TRACE certification is a heavily benchmarked and comprehensive due diligence review, analysis and approval process establishing that an individual or organization has been thoroughly vetted.

Farsound has its Head Office in the UK and operates from key locations across the globe, including Abu Dhabi, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Canada and Japan.