Evidence Talks moves to new HQ

Posted on 21 November, 2016 by Advance 

Digital forensic specialist business which provides services to law enforcement, government, security and corporates worldwide, Evidence Talks, has moved across Milton Keynes to new premises overlooking Willen Lake.
CEO Elizabeth Sheldon and CTO Andrew Sheldon hosted an official opening event recently, where a mix of clients, suppliers and staff enjoyed networking along with champagne and buffet refreshments.
In a warmly-received welcome Elizabeth Sheldon briefly reviewed the company’s 14-year history, with a record sales year in 2016 the undoubted highlight. She also commented on the substantial government contracts won by Evidence Talks in both the UK and the US, with the consequent expansion of the business including five new members of staff and the move to the new headquarters.

Paying tribute to all the business communities represented at the gathering, she said: “I would like to thank our customers and our suppliers for their support and our staff for their professionalism and enthusiasm. We have some of the best digital forensic technology in the world at the moment and it seems that both the UK and the US governments agree that we have the ideas, innovation and ability to create the forensic technologies of the future.”