EDM wins door trainer order from US airline

Posted on 26 October, 2016 by Advance 

EDM announced today that it has won orders to supply a leading US airline with eight Door Trainers.

The contract awards are for four A350 Door Trainers and four Bombardier CS100 Door Trainers and over wing exit trainers.  

EDM will design and build the Door Trainers at its Manchester facility in the UK before shipping and installing them at two of the client’s cabin crew training centres in the US.

The Door Trainers will be used specifically to instruct cabin crew how to operate the A350 and CS100 aircraft door types under a variety of normal, abnormal and emergency conditions.

The airline’s Training Instructors will be able to operate the doors via an easy-to-use touchscreen Instructor Operator Station (IOS) that simulates all the faults and malfunctions that may be encountered by the cabin crew under actual operational conditions.